We have an awesome deal for you! For every $100.00 in gift cards you purchase from Line-X of Virginia Beach from now through Labor Day you'll get $20.00 of in-store credit! How much credit do you get if you buy $500.00 in gift cards? $100.00!!!
Call the store and ask for Mike or message us at m.me/linexofvirginiabeach for details.
CALL 757-490-8848 to Make Your Appointment Today and Like us on Facebook!
Offer expires Monday, September 7, 2020 at 5:00pm. Coupon valid at Line-X of Virginia Beach / Beach Undercoatings only. Not valid with any other offer. Not to be combined with any other offer. Must purchase at least $100.00 in gift cards and mention this offer at time of purchase to qualify. No maximum limit on purchases. In store credit may only be spent at Line-X of Virginia Beach or Beach Undercoatings. Coupon must be printed and presented or displayed on a mobile device at time of order. All prices in USD. No cash value.