2018 Holiday Special: FREE Rust Inhibitor with purchase of a complete undercoating from Beach Undercoatings!
Beach Undercoatings is offering a FREE ValuGard Rust Inhibitor from now until December 31st, 2018 with purchase of a complete undercoating.
CALL 757-490-8848 to Make Your Appointment Today or Like us on Facebook!
Offer expires December 31, 2018. Coupon valid at Beach Undercoatings only. Not valid with any other offer. Not to be combined with any other offer. Limit one coupon per customer, per visit. Coupon must be printed and presented or displayed on a mobile device at time of order. All prices in USD. No cash value.
RUST is NOT your Friend!
Undercoating a car or truck is one of the best ways to stop rust and corrosion before it starts. Applying automotive undercoating to a vehicle puts a physical barrier between the exposed under-body and all the road debris just waiting to pummel it. That’s important because road debris goes way beyond litter - it includes magnesium chloride and other chemical compounds used to de-ice asphalt and control dust. Once that gets drawn up into your vehicle, it can stick like glue. By the time the corrosion becomes visible, its effects may already be widespread.