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We're looking forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have about LINE-X and its many uses or the cost of protecting your truck bed with our lifetime guaranteed spray-on bedliners. Need accessories for your truck, jeep or SUV? Just let us know what you're looking for and we will be glad to help.

Feel free to give us a call anytime at (757) 490-8848. Tell us what you need and we'll get right back with you!

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Welcome to Our New Website!
Welcome to Our New Website!

Since the cat is out of the bag, I am very, very pleased to announce LINE-X of Virginia Beach's brand new website is live!!! Since we have, literally, just 'pushed the button' to make it live this morning, it is my understanding, with my limited technical knowledge, that the servers around the world take time to propagate the new information. If you can't see it right away, it is coming. I promise.


The website is step two in our brand relaunch plan for this year. Step one was the facelift at our shop.


Step three you are reading right now (umm...the blog!). We are just shifting our thinking a little bit to keep up with the times and to truly become more involved in the communities around us - be that at an event, show or the communities online.


Our new homepage is a place to showcase our products and capabilities in the industries that we play in as well as ourselves. We want you to know who we are, too, both via the website and through this blog. Yes, before you ask....after a couple of months we may just ask for volunteers for this section. Stay tuned for that.


All the same product information is there, but we think it is a lot easier to find and navigate through. But, we've expanded our info to include an Accessory Tab to let you know what brands we carry and install. With Our Friends Tab to keep you updated on Events & Promotions which will let you know about all the events we support throughout the year.


What else? Oh, I don't know, I've been looking at this site for weeks now, so it is all starting to blur to me (thank goodness for Melissa), but you'll find our history and all our contact info, and, of course, you can still contact us with your questions or compliments and find our great dealers and find fun links and...and...and...go look. Check it out.


We hope you like it and that you visit often since it will keep changing. We know there are tweaks that need to be made - there is a growing list on my desk from my daughter already. And, we will have sections/contests that are being worked on that will go up on a rolling basis. It will always be a constantly evolving place.


Hope you like it!





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