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In Honor of Memorial Day
In Honor of Memorial Day

May is the month of Mother’s Day, graduations, fine weather and barbecues – all wonderful and fun filled occasions. It is also the month of Memorial Day – and once again, we pause to remember the proud men and women who've given their lives both past and present, in defense of our country.. We honor their spirit, their courage, and their commitment, and we recognize the incredible sacrifice they – and their families – have made.Memorial Day Flag


Take a moment on this day – and every day – to thank them for their service to our country so that we may continue to live under the freedoms we so clearly cherish.


We wish you a safe and happy Memorial Day, and to the brave men and women in uniform, we offer our sincere thanks.


LINE-X of Virginia Beach will be honoring this great day and will be closed for business. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will be back in the office Tuesday morning the 29th for anything you need.

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- Glenn H
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