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We're looking forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have about LINE-X and its many uses or the cost of protecting your truck bed with our lifetime guaranteed spray-on bedliners. Need accessories for your truck, jeep or SUV? Just let us know what you're looking for and we will be glad to help.

Feel free to give us a call anytime at (757) 490-8848. Tell us what you need and we'll get right back with you!

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LINE-X of Virginia Beach & Beach Undercoatings to be Vendors at Upcoming Pavilion Truck Show
LINE-X of Virginia Beach & Beach Undercoatings to be  Vendors at Upcoming Pavilion Truck Show
LINE-X of Virginia Beach and Beach Undercoatings to be two of the many vendors at the Pavilion Truck Show on Saturday, October 21, 2017 at the Portsmouth Pavilion Plaza

The Portsmouth Pavilion Plaza will be transformed into one of Virginia’s largest truck shows on Saturday, October 21, 2017. Individual owners from throughout the region will display autos for public viewing. Late model and classic trucks, Jeeps, and SUVs will be on display along the Plaza. Awards and trophies will be given for the top 30 vehicles including Best in Show, Best Domestic Build, Best Jeep Build, Best Import Build, and more! The show will feature several vendors, concessions, truck related workshops, and family activities. This event is FREE and open to the public with FREE parking in the City of Portsmouth parking lots. Judging begins at noon and ends at 3pm; the award presentation begins at 3:30pm.

Beach Undercoatings LogoLINE-X of Virginia Beach and Beach Undercoatings will be two of the many vendors at this event. We will have our shop truck on display, as well as a fully LINE-X’d vehicle. There will be many other examples of our work and LINE-X’s own accessory line (TRUCK GEAR®) on display.


LINE-X of Virginia Beach Logo

Stop by our tent during the event to enter our raffle for your chance to win a LINE-x’d TRUCK GEAR® Toolbox with a lifetime warranty included!

The Pavilion Truck Show will be held rain or shine, so mark your calendars for this truck-filled, family-friendly event!

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- Erin Adams
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Home » Line-X the World! » Events » LINE-X of Virginia Beach & Beach Undercoatings to be Vendors at Upcoming Pavilion Truck Show